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  Easy Potty Training - REVISED EDITION

 Potty Training And Your Nanny

An increasing number of contemporary parents now employ a nanny or childminder to help them strike a healthy balance between career and spending quality time with their kids. If this is you, then you'll already know just how much care and careful consideration goes into choosing a caregiver, especially for a very young child. When the time comes to potty train that child, both your nanny and you will be faced with new challenges, and it's really important that you work together to help your child succeed.

Choosing A Method

When choosing a potty training method for your child, the key things you need to focus on are team work, consistency and communication. You as the parent ultimately have the final say in how you potty train your child, but it's worth remembering, especially if you've hired a professional nanny or if this is your first time through the toilet training process, that your nanny may have valuable experience in this area.

Asking for her professional opinion will make her feel valued and could help you to work together to achieve the results you want. You could even search together for a method that sets realistic goals for everyone involved. Among other things, you will need to decide on using a potty chair or the toilet, real underwear or pull-up diapers, not to mention what type of reward system you'll use when your child does well!

Of course, the 3-day easy potty training guide is a potty training technique which is great for children, care givers and parents alike. Your nanny, your child and you will all be delighted with the fast results, and by the fact that you can train your child for number 1 and number 2 at the same time and there is no need for separate day time and night time training.

Consistency And Communication

Toilet training will only be successful if you choose a good method and apply it all times, no matter who is caring for your child. How hard you have to work to achieve this type of consistency will depend on your childminding arrangements. If you have a live-in nanny, she might be prepared to help with the child's potty training at night and even to go to extra lengths during the day (such as cleaning soiled underwear).

However, if your childminder only comes to your house during the day, or she is strictly off duty at night, then you will have to take over in the evenings where she has left off and vice versa. The easy potty training e-book is a great, easy-to-read resource when it comes to making sure that everyone is sticking to the rules and understands the system.

Respect And Expectations

Especially during the potty training process, you, your nanny and your child should see yourselves as a close-knit team. Within your team, everyone needs to feel they can achieve what is expected of them and that they are respected by the other members. Before you begin potty training, make sure you know what your nanny's boundaries are. What is she prepared to do and what is she not? Know your own boundaries as well. How far are you prepared to push your child? Is your child going to feel safe and secure during the process? Make sure your nanny knows and respects your limits.

Lastly, try to stay focused on the ultimate goal - giving your child the confidence and freedom that comes with being fully potty trained.

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